Comparing Jet Aircraft For Sale


When buying a private aircraft there are several areas you should consider before starting the comparison process. Our team will walk you through each step from the initial meeting and provide support and guidance to develop a tailor made solution that meets the full requirement.

Flying profile

Understanding the client’s flying profile is key. This breaks down to the most regular routes, number of passengers and key destinations with landing possibilities/take off limitations. It is important to determine how often you will be up in the air each year and the length of each journey. If you fly long distances regularly, a midsize to long range jet is for you.

Destinations you fly to

What landing capabilities and options do the destinations you fly have? Many choose to land and find hangar space in smaller more discreet airports to maintain privacy, as opposed to larger more commercial airports that can not offer private hangarage. If you are looking to regularly use your aircraft it is also worth considering the distance between airports and your starting and final destination.

Number of passengers you travel with

Alongside range requirements, it is important to consider the number of passengers you will be flying with, including crew members. For company travel, an aircraft that caters for all board members may be an important factor for example.

What you and your guests expect when underway

The interior features of business aircraft go far beyond the technical these days. The sky really is the limit when it comes to deciding what features you would like to have with showers, double beds, wide screen TVs, bars and leisure entertainment systems and of course high speed wifi and modern communication systems that will enable full business productivity. It is also important to consider these aspects should you plan to operate your aircraft commercially when not in use. What will your charter clients expect?

Management and operational costs

Aircraft ownership requires full cooperation with your aircraft management company who will control the operation of the aircraft including the logistical elements such as hangar space, crew selection, employment and training, full financial accounting, aircraft CAMO and maintenance including inspections, flight planning, permits and overflight clearances, aircraft cleaning and galley provisioning. Some aircraft owners oversea these things closely however it’s really a case of having a company that knows the client’s preferences and everything happens seamlessly.

Jet Comparison

Turbo Prop

Up to 8


  • Approx. 1,500 nm range
  • Up to 35,000 ft cruising altitude
  • 270 kts cruising speed
  • Lower purchasing cost
  • Lower running costs
  • Short takeoff & landing distance
  • Good airport access

Light Jet

Up to 9


  • Approx. 1,800 nm range
  • Up to 45,000 ft cruising altitude
  • 540 kts cruising speed
  • Lower running costs
  • Small yet comfortable cabin
  • Good airport access

Mid-Size Jet

Up to 12


  • Approx. 4,200 nm range
  • Up to 51,000 ft cruising altitude
  • 550 kts cruising speed
  • High purchase cost
  • Intercontinental capability
  • Good charter platform
  • Good cabin size & features

Large Jet

Up to 16


  • Approx. 6,000 nm range
  • Up to 50,000 ft cruising altitude
  • 595 kts cruising speed
  • High purchase cost
  • Global capability
  • Highly desirable for commercial charter
  • Latest high-speed communications globally
  • Bedroom in the sky

Extra Large Jet

Over 16


  • Approx. 7,700 nm range
  • Up to 45,000 ft cruising altitude
  • Up to 610 kts cruising speed
  • High purchase cost
  • Global capability
  • Multiple interior options
  • Latest high-speed communications globally
  • Bedroom in the sky & shower options

Ready To Jet?

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